Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fish harvesting and marketing

Growth is rapid in the warm climate of Bangladesh and the fish attain marketable size within 3-9 months, providing farmers with a rapid return on their investment and labour. Fingerling production culture cycle is between 1 and 2 months. Cage nursery producers can sell fingerlings to the pond farmers and ox-bow lake operators. Fish for food culture cycle is between 4 and 6 months. Fish food producers consume the cage fish as well as selling them in the market.Profitability depends on many factors including the type of water body and culture, cage construction materials, the choice of fish species, fingerling size and price, stocking density, feed price, availability of protein rich feed, culture duration, cage management, harvesting and marketing. Another concern relates to economies of scale. Almost all enterprises are subject to economies of scale, and cage culture is no exception. The labour of looking after one small cage is far greater per kilogram of product than that for looking after a large one. The cost of the cage per kilogram of production will also be higher for a small cage versus a large cage. However, co-operative use of labour can be used to realise economies of scale in relation to labour, and this is already done in many villages. The third concern, related to the second, is comparative advantage. A significant proportion of the fish is intended to be sold for cash rather than consumed by the farmer and his family.

Pond culture

Site selection is an important factor in the success of a fish farm but the ideal site is usually not available to poorer families. Site location will be dependent on a number of factors:
• The fish species being raised.
• Soil quality, which affects water quality and productivity.
• An adequate supply of water.
• Land ownership.
• Marketplace and market conditions.
• Fish food and other inputs available to the farmer.
• Groups adjacent to water.
• More than 1 metre water retention capacity for at least 6 months of the year.
• Pollution free.

Fish farming in Bangladesh

One of the main trends in fish culture over recent years has been towards capital-intensive, high-input high-yield systems, which can dramatically improve the rate of production if operated in ideal conditions. The development of practical hatching techniques has vastly improved fish cultivation and allowed careful breeding and selection of desired species to take place. Although these techniques were introduced to Bangladesh some years ago, it has taken time for them to become established. Commercially produced fish have become a significant proportion of the total fish supply. But intensive cultivation methods increase the cost of fish production beyond the reach of poorer farmers. Consequently, alternative low-cost approaches have been promoted by NGOs working in the country.

Nouka Baich in Bangladesh

Rivers have covered Bangladesh like spider webs which are why Bangladesh is often known as the land of rivers. Also most of the areas of Bangladesh are rural areas. As rivers or some channels of rivers can be found in every rural area, the most important and traditional source of entertainment is boat race or locally known as Nouka Baich. There isn’t any restriction about what type of boat can participate in this kind of race except that boats with engine aren’t allowed. The history of Nouka Baich is very rich and very unique in nature comparing with the other form of boat race anywhere in the world. There isn’t any rules about how long the boat can be or how many people will it carry. But the most unique feature about Nouka Baich is in every boat there is a leader who doesn’t row but he acts as an energizer for the whole team by singing songs and rhymes. Normally this race is held in big river channels and neighboring villages participate for the pride of their villages.


Muharram or the 'sacred month' is the first month of the Islamic or Hijri calendar. The tenth day of Muharram is called Ashura. Imam Husain (R) the grandson of the Holy Prophet (SM) was killed on this day at the hands of the troops of Yazid. Muharram has been observed since the 10th century AD. In Bengal also it has been observed for the last few centuries. The centre of observances of Muharram in Dhaka is the Husaini Dalan Imambara. Muharram processions have been common in this country since the 18th century AD. Horses and elephants were used in the processions. In Dhaka, the procession begins at Husaini Dalan and, after winding its way through the city's streets, terminates at a place designated as Karbala on the banks of the Dhanmandi Lake. The replica of Duldul, the horse of Imam Husain (R) and the flags in the procession symbolize the presence of Imam Husain (R). Also Latikhela (stick fight) is organised to remind devotees of the battle between the troops of Imam Husain (R) and Yazid. As with other festivals in Bangladesh, Muharram has become an occasion for fairs at various places.In course of time it turned into a traditional fair where handicrafts, pottery, brass ware, bows and arrows, swords made of CI sheet were the main exhibits. The merry-go-round and Ferris wheel are added attractions for children. The fair starts from the 7th of Muharram and ends on the llth.


On the Night of Power pray to God with all your heart and He will definitely answer all your prayers. The Quran says: "Surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) on the grand night. And what will make you comprehend what the grand night. The grand night is better than a thousand months. The angels and Gibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair, Peace! It is till the break of the morning."Shab-e-Qadr is the night, which is the best night among the nights of the whole year. The "A'maal" (religious performances) of this night are better than the A'maal of 1000 nights. In this night the divine Annual Decree is passed. The Angels and Roohul Ameen (A highly dignified Angel) descend on this earth, in that night. These call on the Imam of the time, and what is ordained (by Allah) for everybody is presented before the Imam.


Celebrate this as a grand day of Meraj as “Grand Eid” and all the Muslims should be proud to have such a prophet like Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him and his progeny (Ahlul Bayt), to whom Almighty Allah (swt) was also proud and had invited him to visit and talked with very nearer distance as mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an.Also note that, the Meraj of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him and his progeny has taken place more than once. However, it should be mentioned that Meraj in which the daily Salat was made incumbent, without doubt, occurred before the death of Hazrat Abu Talib, who passed away in the 10th year of Besat. Unmistakably, from the Ahadith and books of history, it is mentioned that on the night of Meraj, Allah (swt) gave the order of the five daily Salat as being mandatory upon the Islamic Nation.The darkness of the night had spread across the horizon and silence reigned over the face of nature. The time had arrived when the living creatures take rest and sleep so that they might recuperate from their activities of the previous day. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), was also not an exception to this law of nature and he wished to take rest after offering his prayers (Salat) in the house of “Umm-e-Hani”, the daughter of his uncle and sister of Amir al-Mominin Ali (pbuh) in the blessed city of Makkah. However, suddenly he heard a voice; it was the voice of the Archangel Jibreel (pbuh) who said to him:“This night you have to perform a very unique journey and I have been ordered to remain with you. You will have to traverse different parts of the world mounted on an animal named al-Buraq.”